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No one will stop LTTE
by Karthik on Apr 24, 2007 07:24 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Tamilans - LTTE has a large support from current TN Govt...and arises a question to me...Where did Karunanithi (Current CM of TN) go during Rajiv's assasination? when he is the CM he should have been on the stage or atleast near to Rajiv rite? As long as TN supports LTTE, no one can stop them..if there is a problem in Lanka, and if you are searching for Prabakaran, come to Chennai and he will be either wit Stalin or Karunanithi...Cos it is Tamil BLOOD...LONG LIVE INDIA!!!

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  RE:No one will stop LTTE
by Swam Bala on Apr 24, 2007 07:59 PM   Permalink
When Rajiv got assassinated Congress was with AIADMK. And as you said Karunanidhi was the CM. But Rajiv was not a PM at that time.

Now I can ask where the Jayalalitha went when Rajiv was campaigning for her. OK leave Jayalalitha. Where the other Big shots of Congress went. Where Mr.Moopnar / Mr.Valapaddi went(Even thought it is not our manner to talk about someone who is not with us anymore , I am noting there name to explain the history).

Just like that don't blame TN Govt. Just see the Elam Issue with open eyes. Better read there history.

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  RE:No one will stop LTTE
by invent ideas on Apr 24, 2007 07:35 PM   Permalink
This is not correct... Karthik.. What was your background.. Do you go through the history of Srilankan Tamil.. Did you fo thry why they have taken this route...

If the same issues you and your family have gone, you would appreciate what LTTE doing is right..
I have talked many Srilankan tamils and understood thier issues,, Mass killingg, raping etc

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  RE:No one will stop LTTE
by venkatesh thiagarajan on Apr 25, 2007 09:41 AM   Permalink
Are you trying to belittle Tamilians?
Words like 'Tamil BLOOD' are sarcastic.
Is 'Karthik' ur real name? why I am asking this is b'coz it is pure tamil name.

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When Tigers had a cool flight