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by Sajid Rehman on Apr 23, 2007 04:45 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Mr Suresh Singh says - "india would be a peaceful country if all the muslims left this country at the time of partion."

Actually, India would be a peaceful country if people like him (be they Hindu, Muslim or Christian) left the country.

Now lets say our learned friend Mr Suresh Singh had his way - kick all Muslims out of the country & make India a Hindu state. Will that solve all your problems? Will that correct things? Take a look at Nepal. Its a Hindu country and they arent leading blissful lives. Things arent peaceful and pleasant there. So, Nepal is proof enough that Mr Suresh Singh's hypothesis is just a load of bull.

And Mr. Suresh Singh, lets not forget the achievements of Muslims in India - Kalam, Premji, Dilip Kumar, SRk,.....some of these names maybe familiar to you.

Definition - Racism -
1. The prejudice that members of one race are intrinsically superior to members of other races
2. Discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race

There are a lot of racist users on the rediff forums.....Hindu vs Muslim, North vs South.
Its always - "My religion better than your religion. My state better than your state. My language better than your language. My movie stars better than your movie stars." ME, ME, ME! Thats all we get to hear.

Muslims are not out to take over India. If you look closely, you'll notice that they're too busy trying to make a living to feed their families. All of them arent assembling bombs at home. Its not fair to label a whole community based on the actions of a few. But, somehow users here always like to quote selective facts.

For this country to prosper, we need to stop behaving like a bunch of racists. My community, my state, my religion, my language.....all that has to stop.

Racism has to stop.

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by Larsen Keats on Apr 23, 2007 05:55 PM   Permalink
I have not understood how you can seek separation because you can't or won't live with another person...and then also decide to stay where you are. Have the cake and eat it too?

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by Sajid Rehman on Apr 23, 2007 09:58 PM   Permalink
I sympathize with you. Stupidity has no known cure.

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by Sajid Rehman on Apr 23, 2007 10:10 PM   Permalink
One more thing Mr "Younus Khan" - you are definitely the pinnacle of cowardice.

You hate Muslims but do not have the guts to express your views in front of any Indian Muslim. So, you come onto these forums to spew your filth.....and the most pathetic thing is that you use a false name. WHAT A COWARD! Ever heard of the proverb - Barking dogs seldom bite?

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by Ramesh P on Apr 23, 2007 11:54 PM   Permalink
Because if he expresses it, he would get killed. They will just blow him up :-).

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by Mahesh Jagga on Apr 23, 2007 05:28 PM   Permalink
You are correct to the last T Mr. Sajid.

It is a nobody's case that India was peaceful before demolition of Masjid or India would be peaceful if some people left the country.

Coming back to the issue, please think as to why Muslims are addressed as Muslims during elections and not as ordinary citizens? Is it because they have a tendency (actual or perceived?) to vote en bloc to the party which will take care of their interests?

There is no harm in the logic that voting has to be based on interests. But if the interests get a religious color, the problem starts.

No fight with any citizen who votes according to his interests in getting good education for his children or healthcare or better infrastructure.

Ignore the hardliners. there will be many people saying my religion this or that. The real issue is how we elect our leaders. If they provide good governance, religion should not come in the way.

Enbloc voting the the root cause of problems. It is not confined to Muslims alone. It is there with others also who vote for their caste.

Another side of coin is that in all this noise about appeasement, Muslims get nothing. On one hand they are blamed for voting on religious lines by the majority, on another hand the the party which gets votes takes them for granted.

Otherwise Sachar commetee would not be needed after 50 years of COngress rule.

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by Ibrahim Sheik on Apr 23, 2007 05:25 PM   Permalink
Mr. Sajid Rehaman
Good Words, I appreciate your effort.

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PM speaks out against practice