In Hinduism religion is only for powerful people. The recent incident of TTD, if common people has to offer darshan it take days & months where as for people who have money,power & influence,they can go at any time and stay as many hours.The religion is corrupt & sex addicted politicans,much hyped bollywood prostitues and muscule makers
by rajatpatel on Apr 23, 2007 05:49 PM Permalink
In Hinduism religion is only for powerful people. The recent incident of TTD, if common people has to offer darshan it take days & months where as for people who have money,power & influence,they can go at any time and stay as many hours.The religion is for corrupt & sex addicted politicans,much hyped bollywood prostitues and muscule makers
by Ramesh P on Apr 23, 2007 11:44 PM Permalink
Thats because temples are controlled by Govt and not churches and mosques. TTD chairman is a lucarative post and its equalent to Cabinet Ministry. Govt should stop this and give back control of temples to Hindus or control even churches and mosques. There is no accountability of the gulf petro money and the multi-million foreign funding of the missionaries. Apart from that we have Haj Subsidy, Wakf boards etcc, and still the politicians say ours is a secular country.
by seek the truth on Apr 23, 2007 10:53 PM Permalink
dont mix religion with politics and that with social issues or issues of management of temples you are unnecessary muddling up the main issue