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ofcourse, he did
by Kranti Kumar on Apr 16, 2007 03:40 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

And he always do like that. Thanks for their family for getting Independence to us.

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  RE:ofcourse, he did
by RAJ KUMAR on Apr 16, 2007 03:56 PM   Permalink
Thank Gandhi Family for getting independence for us????? Pls tell me which gandhi family you are referring too. What about the contribution of countless freedom fighters.The incompetence of political leadership lead to the division of this country.In any case British were leaving India and also their other colonies all over the world after the second world war.If at all the credit goes for getting the independence it should go to our countless freedom fighters who laid their lives fighting for the country be it Ajad Hind Fauj or Other freedom fighters. What Nehru gandhi did to India was the division of a sovereign nation and immediate massacre of Million of innocent countrymen during 1947. Further the emergence of KAshmir as a problem which still persists. Defeat in 1962 war and virtual loss of thousands of Kms of Indian land to China. Rest was accomplished by Indira Gandhiafter 1971 war by signing the Shimla Agreement and in 1982 giving support to Bhindaraawale which later resulted in her own death. Examples are countless so dear Kranti and Baba Rahul this nation is unfortunate to be under the shadows of Gandhi Family and had it been under leader like Patel or Shstri the history could have been different.

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