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Did Rahul cross the line on Pakistan?
by Prabhakar Waghodekar on Apr 16, 2007 04:17 PM   Permalink

Certanly yes! Indians are hard to learn anything from histoty. Prithwiraj Chauhan, Mogul Emporers, Maratha Empire, Tip Sulatan's empire are the victims of divide and rule policy.From the past 2000 years, masses have no place in governance, only king and Sardars to play the role. USA can abolish the differentiation between black and white, but we cannot. We talk secularism only. We believe in Incarnation, that comes to help the masses! Till the time Aavatar appears I am your master! Our first President is from Bihar, almost all Prime Ministers from UP. Where these two State stand now? I'm after so called international recognition at the cost of nation welfare. Parashis, Jues, Hindus and christains live happily in this country. Why making fire on the name of Islam? Are not they Indians? British left the country, setting behind infighting betweem Muslims and Hindus. Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Patel, Shivaji and a few more, are the great, because they never handed over power to their kins. Democracy is run by the people and not by a signgle family. We have failed to educate the masses, purposly for my personal benefits. Jai Bharat!!

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Did Rahul cross the line on Pak?