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Not a easy solution...
by Rangasamy Vijay on Apr 15, 2007 05:26 AM   Permalink

It is mostly due to congress & BJP making which failed to build an effective party on principles but allowed so much of infighting in the parties and ultimately leading to so many splinter groups and regional parties all over India. The only solution is for few national level parties and no more of regional petty opportunistic parties. That day may not be far off if congress and BJP become stronger and build a strong mass base all over the country so that power will alternate between them based on their performance. All other parties must melt away or form inconspicuous 3rd front (or 13th front) or so (which will also disappear in course of time).
It is in the hands of the voters to select the right candidates from the national parties only.
Jai Hind

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No good governance in UP: Rahul