The two communities , Muslims and christians are already enjoing the consessions of reservation in admission to schools and in appoitments on the basis of castes , although they are not supposed to have any castes on the sole ground of being Muslims and christians .That itself is a serious flaw .I(f those people are christians and Muslims , how are they granted any concession on the bais is of any caste that is opposed to the very principles of those religons ? Now on the basis of their being the minority religions , event trhe forward castes among the Muslims and chritians are proposed to be granted the concessions , while the forward castes among the majority communities are denied of any reservation even on grounds of poverty. The entire people of the minority communities irrespectie of whether they are rich or poor and whether they belong to the bachward or forward castes , are being sought to be granted reservation by the political parties while denying the concessions to the poor among the forward commuinities of the majority Hindu population. This is higly dicriminatory and is meant to encourage conversion to Islam and chiristianity .It is a subtle way of forcing the Hindus convert to Islam and christianity by offering inducements .The Aurangazeeb of Tamil nadu , Mr.Karunanithi is a well -known enemy of the Hindus and has resorted to a sbtle way to convert the Hindus to Islam and Christianity.Hindus must wake up and teach the BMK a lesson soon , lest they stand to loose subatantially.