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TN to provide separate reservation for Muslims, Christians
by S Kiran on Apr 05, 2007 07:23 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

I observe that most people here are targetting the old man Karunanidhi, who is not in his senses and does not know what he is doing.

He has not encroached upon H1B visas and work permits issued by other countries. If he continues to live for a few more years, he will make a law that any country that has a consulate in Chennai should follow reservation.

People of TN, wake up. He is not benefiting anybody by these reservations. He is only dividing people and creating/strengthening this vote banks.

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  RE:TN to provide separate reservation for Muslims, Christians
by kicks on Apr 05, 2007 07:34 PM   Permalink
Kiran, MK is a puppet, the man is 82 yrs old and has problems remembering his name most of the time. He's the CM because of his name, no one else in DMK has the charisma, these ideas come from his family who are pretty much running the state.
I'm from TN and let me tell you this, the state has been divided big time. The people here have been taken for a ride big time. If there's something that sucks in TN, it's the politics. There's caste everywhere, people like ramadass, MK & family, until these guys are there you cannot expect a change.
There's no other government other than DMK & AIADMK over the last 2 decades. When governement changes, people decide to switch it's a game and always a win-win for many people...
These people must be dragged down the streets and shot in public.

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  RE:TN to provide separate reservation for Muslims, Christians
by kumar on Apr 05, 2007 08:02 PM   Permalink
its because the DMK is in power that there is less lawlessness in TN and hence, people like you cannot drag others onto the streets and shoot them.

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  RE:TN to provide separate reservation for Muslims, Christians
by Crazy Human on Apr 05, 2007 08:21 PM   Permalink
obviously since the party of goons is in power they have no need to break the law. Just like how BJP used to claim there were less riots when they were in power

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  RE:TN to provide separate reservation for Muslims, Christians
by m on Apr 05, 2007 09:44 PM   Permalink
Quite simple. Upper caste people are unwelcome in TN.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
TN: Quota for Muslims, Christian