IF TN is imposing reservation for Muslims and Chirstians , then we should demand reservation for hindus in Jammu & Kasmir and Nagaland. There Hindus are minorities too. Why politics is being played only on Hindu emotions.
RE:Reservation in J& K
by subramanian bosky on Apr 05, 2007 02:27 PM Permalink
Very Very true, but we dotn need it, only helpless peopel need reservation these dyas becasue the original policy of resrvation was to help the real deprived candiate get a place in eductaion institution and the criteri was based on economic backround , now its all politiclal reasons, caste based undergrad reservations ..ok accepted that too...in postgrad eductaion..ok that too ..after all these reservation in job...accepted that too..now why on earth increase the reservation percentage and covergae in fact as years go by people woudl have got opportunities for which this reservation was intended ,not its time ot reduce the percentage and decrease the spread and increase the avenues for economiclaly wekaer section ...absurdity .TN under able leadership of a CM who proved to be stupid inefficient, non thinking, totaly backward in thought and action
RE:Reservation in J& K
by Dinesh Mahindra on Apr 05, 2007 02:53 PM | Hide message
We Hindus have pride, we dont need reservations. I am proude to be a HINDU