In a state full of backward people led by a backward CM, there is nothing much you can expect? The cream of TN was driven away from the state long back to the US and other states of India. Given that more than 80% of TN is in the backward category, those who are not have two choices: get yourself included or move to other states and countries if you can. And please, learn the national language while you are at it.
RE:What more can you expect?
by Satish Chandra Bagali on Apr 05, 2007 04:12 PM Permalink
Boy, you are mistaken. It's not the most backward state. It is one of the most developed state in India. Please do some research before you write.
RE:What more can you expect?
by pranav joshi on Apr 05, 2007 03:34 PM Permalink
I waiting for the day when Government of TN would force reservation in private sector also.
RE:What more can you expect?
by vijay baskar on Apr 05, 2007 03:59 PM Permalink
in pvt companies ? why so ? u dont like that part of industry functioning with talented ppl ? want to spoil that also as u did govt companies ?