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What about all other Minority???
by bonala rao on Apr 06, 2007 10:48 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Can jain, buddist etc... can get the same reservations? Is tamilnadu govt enouraging christianity and destroying Hinduism? There are helpless people, can change their religion for the sake of livelihood. This bloody idiots say they are religion part and they promote reservation based on religion. There in AP also reservations are proposed for Muslim. They are encouraging for dividing of the country, encouraging civil war. KICK THESE IDIOTS WHO IS STILL ENCOURAGING RESERVATIONS. I am ready to sacrifice if reservations are eliminated for the sake of Great India. You can refer Azim Premzi's comments....... Can these bloody idiot politicians get treatment from reserved doctors, can fly in reserved pilots??????
I can tell an example... a Asst. Engr. in electrical distribution company. don't know what is current and voltage.. infact he is my friend. But, getting this job,he don't know the perfect work. It is if power fails also, we have no botherings..correct...Try to improve the situations by eliminating the reservations.

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  RE:What about all other Minority???
by Palani Saami on Apr 06, 2007 01:22 PM   Permalink
yah I am a Buddhist and no one in this country or state speak about us...they(politicians) had destroyed our community and so also for Hindu community...some where by 2020..India will develop as a Terrorist hub, fighting each other and finally England again taking the chair... am i right

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TN: Quota for Muslims, Christian