'Dalit Christian'! Isn't that an oxymoron? I thought that Dalits converted to Christianity so that they can stop being 'Dalits'? Anyways, I think it's a great idea, this quota thing. Govt should give quotas to all, in proportion to their size of population - this way no one can feel left out. As a matter of fact, govt should give everyone a govt job and free everything...free TVs, bikes, weddings, rice, electricity, gas....ooops, they're already doing that!
RE:TN to provide seperate reservations to Muslims, Christians
by Palani Saami on Apr 06, 2007 08:45 AM Permalink
on population basis means...if a community 'A 'has 10 lakh people and other 'B' has 2 lakh people...and for 'B' if you are providing some 69% reserve..so 'B' would enjoy more with less population and 'A' having such huge population will not enjoy ...so based on this majority population must be reserved high...I think your brain is something related to clay..so it is like