This is like saying, 'if u want jobs, convert to Islam or Christianity'. we must note the main difference between caste-based reservations and religion-based: religion can be changed, but caste cannot be. So, people who are desparate for jobs, might find the idea of conversion attractive. If the government is bent upon religion-based conversions, let it also announce exclusive reservations for Hindus too; then, it will be a level-playing field !
RE:Reservation for Muslims and Christians
by Dr.Susana on Apr 05, 2007 02:15 PM Permalink
Did you also convert that way because they give free food in hindu temples ??
RE:Reservation for Muslims and Christians
by Mukund Inamdar on Apr 05, 2007 02:34 PM Permalink
Dear Susana,
Please note the mass conversion to Hiduisms do not happen as they do in Christinity/Islam. Poor people are cheated and forced to convert to other faiths. Irnonically converts like you are more prone to get involved and feel proud in bashing Hindus than anyone else..
RE:Reservation for Muslims and Christians
by Hindustani in OZ on Apr 05, 2007 02:30 PM Permalink
he's a born hindu susana accept the fact ur a convert. poor hindus were converted to christianity
RE:Reservation for Muslims and Christians
by Jigar Shah on Apr 05, 2007 02:41 PM Permalink
Do you know this Susana that there are people appointed in Rome to see that the tagets for conversions are met !!! Where do you think the money comes from ?? Poor people are given shelter, food and work - all this is very very good no doubt - but in turn are forced to convert to Christianity!! You see in any other religion - people offer food, shelter etc but do not expect any one to convert to their religion. First know you basics before writing something.
by BVR Murthy on Apr 05, 2007 02:29 PM Permalink
We dont ask people to convert to Hindu religion by offering food at a temple. So far I haven't seen any single instance of that in my life at a Hindu temple. You just give the poor person something to eat for the day so that they are happy. I don't know what is going on in your head.
RE:Reservation for Muslims and Christians
by Aby Koshy on Apr 05, 2007 03:14 PM Permalink
Though I am Christian, I am not overtly enthused by the demand for "exclusive reservation" for Muslims and Christians for a variety of reasons. However, your suggestion for "exclusive reservation" for Hindus, I think, is a step that needs careful consideration.
Of course, considering what politicians end up playing in this country, I am probably dreaming an utopian state.
What I would suggest is to have a cap on reservation at about 60 or 65%. The rest should be for general category. But the 60 or 65% reservation should be for all sections of the population including the majority community of every region. How this is to be divided can be the job of our esteemed politicians :-( or anybody else who knows how this is to be done.
But, most importantly, it should be ensured that those who come through non-reservation route are given twice the priority over reserved candidates for every subsequent scheme that is rolled out. This can be promotion, preferential loans.... anything. That will hopefully ensure that the mad rush for reservation that is currently going on will gradually peter off.
I will not accept abuse against this post. So obviously it will return to you. Meaningful criticism I am willing to hear. If, however, you are interested in a more detailed dialogue on this issue, revert to me on avkoshy at