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  RE:Real face of missionaries...
by Trendy on Apr 05, 2007 02:08 PM   Permalink
Yes, reservations are absolutely mis-used. It should be meant for POOR and not for some caste/religion. Let the talent take podium. Present financial situation of people(whom were thought as poor) is completely different and much better to what it was 20 years back. So Govt should provide(if any) better hand to the poor.

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  RE:Real face of missionaries...
by Arnab Roychoudhury on Apr 05, 2007 01:40 PM   Permalink
what are you doing to stop them from converting?

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  RE:Real face of missionaries...
by chaitanya kumar on Apr 05, 2007 01:44 PM   Permalink
he is bringing awareness. what about you? Stop being a jerk dude

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  RE:Real face of missionaries...
by ashok iyer on Apr 05, 2007 01:43 PM   Permalink
Better central/state Government should handover one portion of India to Minority people so that they will also live in happy mood and our kashmir problem will also solve witout involving arm forces. It is shame for our country since indedpendence from Late PM Pandit Nehru to till date all the PMs are addressing in the public forum like Independence day and other functions "Brothers & Sister" only. When we are calling brothers and sister then why we want to divide the sections among ourselves. We all are belongs to one India not seprate. Moreover in school age we also read that we all are clled as brothers and sister onlu then why governmwent want to give "Reservation". It is purely VOTE BANK. 'NO DOUBT ABOUT IT.'why not Central/state government should decide 6 to 10%of annual budget amount should be focus on education for especially SC/ST/OBC candidates so that there is no need for reservatrion any community. More over why government is not providing more colleges to these sections of people instead of providing free of cost TV sets which is not much useful for them. Once they educated every thing they can earn at their own resources. 'God sake Politicians should change there attitude' without any ego problems.

Hello Dear, first you should ask the government to education and other amenties what ever you want for your community like food, clothing, school/college fees etc etc. if you get these things your 100% problem will over. Unnecessary they are providing in the NAME of reservation and we among ourselves fighting each other. Try to understand 57 years we completing of our Independence but government [centrl/state] are able to provide the education to miniority as well as SC/ST/OBC. Please Please very clear understand that Upper cast never against you people these politicians have very easy tool you people want to be silent. If you get and your family members education I feel there is no need to beg government for job reservation as well as higher studies education reservation. Don't become happy for petty issue this will spoil our internation image. I am sure this reservation Revolution started and it will go like fire in all the community. Moreover we younger blood should understand we are 65% majority in India how above 75 age people can decide what is ideal for us. Please cooperate and accept the reality. Don't become rash. After all we all are brother and sisters in some way

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