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No Reservations to Christians
by mandar on Apr 05, 2007 04:00 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Everyone should realise that Christians do not need reservations. Unlike BC's,OBC's & Muslims, they are forward. They represent the face of forward people. They should not be given any reservations. Moreover their population is not even 2%. Why Karunanidhi should give reservations to them. I appeal to all BC's & OBC's to fight against this decision to include christians. They will unnecessarily eat up our seats for no reason. Muslims may be considered as they also belong to weaker sections but not christians. They are educationally & economically far ahead. I appeal again to all my BC & OBC friends to start protest against the inclusion of Christians in the reservation quota.

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  RE:No Reservations to Christians
by Rangasamy Vijay on Apr 05, 2007 04:18 PM   Permalink
Dear friend
Please list down the reservations of categories announced so far and make sure you do not exceed 100%.. no problem even if it exceeds 100%- all these political parties can be excused as they are a bit weak in maths..
God bless them even if they do not believe in one..
Jai Hind

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  RE:No Reservations to Christians
by Nandakumar M on Apr 05, 2007 05:39 PM   Permalink
how will they eat up your seats. mk will not reduce bc/obc quota. only the general portion gets reduced. moreover, many christians are those ignorant and poor dalits. they are not forward.
But u know, like they say, we understand headache and fever only if we get it ourselves. When all these bcs and below eat up general seats, you all very drooling, now its time for christians and muslims.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
TN: Quota for Muslims, Christian