... are divided by caste / language and hundred other things... this everybody understood from British to politicians (including BJP)... u can't change politicians, no point barking against deaf thieves... 1 suggestion - so y not all hindus convert to christianity/ islam (we can fight agnst each other in terms who one caste can join and 1 language can join or any of the multiple dimensions involved) and then start fighting with each other (we can't anyways stop it, we have languages, backround and n-1 other variables)? if india is 100% non hindu, how will the politicians implement reservation? if possible we can convert to tribal status also... as things'll pan out, then a minority religion can develop from the scratch and politicians will start licking them up... it can be called hinduism if u want or 123 . makes no difference! this process can again continue with new religion 246 or abc... this can go on and on and we can outsmart the politicians! (in case somebdy is naive enough to read this post seriously, get back to work! Nothng shall change! Rotting will definitely happen, whether u like it or not, except for a miracle (probably external invasion by Chinese or other colonialists).. too many pitfalls in the existing situation, u can't salvage it... if u r hindu, first think if u r united across castes or languages, u'll c what i say)
by Jay Z Snoop Dogg on Apr 05, 2007 03:00 PM Permalink
the critical pt anyways is, that Hindus in total, are not very serious abt their religion... for various reasons/ non reasons.. so, if u r not serious abt ur religion anyways, how does it matter whether u belong to religion a or b?
by Prasanna Kumar on Apr 05, 2007 03:15 PM Permalink
Hello Brother, don't think of converting only because of reservation. be best where you are and enjoy your stay in hindism. concentrate on your study and work you will come up in life without reservations. Be confident