by ashok iyer on Apr 05, 2007 02:50 PM Permalink
Hello Dear, first you should ask the government to education and other amentias what ever you want for your community like food, clothing, school/college fees etc etc. if you get these things your 100% problem will over. Unnecessary they are providing in the NAME of reservation and we among ourselves fighting each other. Try to understand 57 years we completing of our Independence but government [central/state] are not able to provide the education to minority as well as SC/ST/OBC. Please Please very clear understand that Upper cast never against you people these politicians have very easy tool you people want to be silent. If you get and your family members education I fees there is no need to beg government for job reservation as well as higher studies education reservation. Don't become happy for petty issue this will spoil our international image. I am sure this reservation Revolution started and it will go like fire in all the community. Moreover we younger blood age is 30-35 are majority and we should understand we are 65% majority in India how above 75 age people can decide what is ideal for us. Please cooperate and accept the reality. Don't become rash. After all we all are brother and sisters in some way. ONE MORE IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO ALL DEARS WE SHOULD UNDERSTAND HOW GOVERNMENT IS DISOBEYING COURT ORDER WHEN HON. APEX COURT SAYS THAT RESERVATION SHOULD NOT MORE THEN 50% OF SC/ST/OBC/OR MINIORITIES. BUT IS DISOBEYED .THIS IS PURELY CONTEMT OF COURT %u201CMURDER OF DEMOCRACY%u201D
by chhackuu on Apr 05, 2007 04:10 PM Permalink
u r fool. Don't preach and shut up your stinking mouth forever. you mouth emits fowl smell and i feel breathless. u r a chronic constipation guy and doctors have shut doors for you.
by Aone on Apr 05, 2007 02:54 PM Permalink
Don't worry soon u will to know Muslim will take over India. Bcoz Muslim is increasing day by day. U cannot stop; this is the fastest religion growing in the world even in USA. I am Hindu.... but still we have to do something.......... Bcoz Islam is fastest growing in the world it will take over Christianity 2025. Islam will spread everywhere. Trust me I have done the research for more than year from all the country...........Islam is growing very fast.......... We have to something try to stop U guys think Islam only in India........... Islam is second largest religion in the world, It will Christianity by the end of 2025.......... It has been proofed Please do some research Guys...U will come to know...........Islam is growing very fast in china and USA........ Vijay Kumar.........
by play on Apr 05, 2007 02:58 PM Permalink
Dr. Joseph Adam Pearson rightly says, "People who worry that nuclear weaponry will one day fall in the hands of the Arabs, fail to realize that the Islamic bomb has been dropped already, it fell the day MUHAMMED (pbuh) was born".
Thank You Ya Allah. Nobody can stop the Truth. Many people especially non muslims belive that Islam is meant for only muslims. Infact it is meant for the whole of humanity. I urge Aone and everybody to please read the Quran which indeed a mercy to mankind and please dont make judgements without reading it or comment on somebody elses remark unless you read it for your ownself.