1. No where in the world 15-20 crore population is considered minority. Approximately 3 times Britains whole population. 2. Look at the amount of political voice they have. All political parties want to woo them. 3. There is no question of special priviledges. SC/STs can claim discrimination of thousands of years. But weren't Muslims the ruling class for 700 years. How can they then become socially discriminated.
by mr yogeesh soundarya raj on Apr 06, 2007 10:15 AM Permalink
muslims ruled for more than 700 years from 700 ad to 1756ad at delhi.brahmins too have polatical voice .both moajr parties are brahmins controlled(nehru is also kashmiri pandits.brahins get what they want through mutts and mahasabhas .they do not let others know how prosperous they really are.they also create hatred towards muslims .in banaglore they openly advice conversion to chirenity