Where's my world leader Kalki??? I want him right now to pack and send all these foolish leaders home. All these so called leaders like karunanidhi are better suited for domestic helpers... not as people representatives.
RE:Kalki on the way
by Rangasamy Vijay on Apr 06, 2007 07:29 AM Permalink
Dear frined The time is still not ripe for Kalki's avatar. It will take few more decades before all these political jokers exhaust all their foolish tricks and loot our economic prosperity. That day is not far off for deliverance of every religious minded hindu in this great country struggling in the hands of some political animals now... Jai Hind
RE:Kalki on the way
by Palani Saami on Apr 06, 2007 08:32 AM Permalink
i think may be Anniyan can do....but Vikram too is John Kennedy, this is his real name...are you in surprise..