India soon to become Muslim or Christian country. Going at this rate I really feel shud not vote anybody to power, becoz instead of working on real issues these politicians still want to do politics on casteism.
by on Apr 05, 2007 01:03 PM Permalink
I guess "India is the only country where people fight to get the status of backward".
1. Govt. can't provide basic education to the so called SC/ST/OBC 2. They allocate quota's for the SC/ST/OBC for higher education that is not used by the real backward classes :)
by suhas natyan on Apr 05, 2007 01:03 PM Permalink
though u r right in saying but i suggest that you should vote as this is also part of fight against injustice, see if any candidate has comparatively better view and background, may be we are able to change our India. Lets try to remove the dirty politics and corruption from our country, give more and more suggestions. May be one day will come when we will have a great, prosperous, corrution free, crime free India.