I think that its high tinme that these Reservation systems be stopped. When given to One caste or community, remaining crop up demanding reservation. Since Reservation cannot be given to all.... Lets stop it altogether, and give to none. I think only the Economically backward should be helped, whether they are Hindus, Muslims or Christians, Whether Brahmin or SC, ST.... only those who cannot afford education, and those who get good percentage but cannot pursue higher education due to money factor. Only then we can actually consider Upliftment of the country as a whole. 55 years of reservation has done enough good to the Backward communities. Today, rich people, with the Caste effect... gain admissions and free education, even though they can aford, and though they get less percentage.
And all the Hindus who are angry because others are getting reservation.. think... The backward communities who already have reservation of 50-60% are all Hindus. The question is not who is taking over whom !!! But this that "THE RICH IS GETTING RICHER AND THE POOR IS GETTING POORER" ..............
RE:RE:But why Reservation at all !!
by on Apr 05, 2007 03:52 PM Permalink
i agree with you. why can't the government make a decision to divide reservation like economically backward / economically forward. Instead of giving reservation on caste basis change reservation system depending on economical status.