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Sikhs not to sing Vande Mataram
by pps.ahluwalia on Sep 06, 2006 08:12 PM   Permalink

Vande Mataram-our beloved national song is a "Salute"to one's OWN Motherland,and its singing is not at all communal or political nor does its singing could be hurting anyone's religious sentiments by any stretch of imaginations!A big Tamasha is being staged over its singing by communal organizations to influence inoccent people or incite them towards a communal uprising.Literate people must create a proper awareness amongst the people about this song's basic theme,scope or concept.Since the song is in Sanskrit language,its wording could be difficult to understand for aam-admi or for our school kids.It is a responsibility and obligation of governments in the Centre/States,to help people learn its true meanings instead of letting the unpleasant politically motivated hysteria grow nation-wide,for nothing.Porvide all the people with translations of this song and create a healthy-harmonious climate nation-wide,over the song.Media rather should come in the forefront,to spearhead building a proper"awareness"climate in the country so that nobody,communal or political,gains any mileage,by communalizing the situation over the Song.

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Sikhs not to sing Vande Mataram