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Pope and the jihadis
by Jaganniwas Iyer on Oct 03, 2006 06:30 PM   Permalink

Ratzinger says the Prophet was a man of violence, then says, er... I did'nt say that a 13th century Byzantine Christian emperor said that, I was merely quoting him...not my words... then the uproar...mumbles something of an apology. We've seen all this drama before. Now the Islamic world is in its true element - issuing a fatwa for the pope's murder. The Americans say Markat-ul-Dawa is a terrorist organisation, their freindly terrorist ally Mush the Big Mouth say no they're just nice guys doin' some charity work. Mush's friend and America's adversary China says Mush's right, Markat ain't no terrorist. Now if Markat does bump off poor Ratzinger, what is the US gonna do? That would be interesting.
Jaganniwas Iyer

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Kill Pope, says Lashkar fatwa