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Kill pope and prove him right.
by Manoj on Oct 03, 2006 05:46 PM   Permalink

Kill pope and prove him right.What else will they achieve but only to vindicate Pope's statement. They want to silence free speech, by sword....oops AKs, Bombs or Airliners??? They call this Jehad(Holy War).

Another very funny issue that needs mention here is that all media reports and statements by Politicians and jounalists call these murderers and their evil deeds Jehadis,Fidayeen(Religious Martyr)and Jehad. Don't we know that by using these words we are actually glorifying them in the eyes their fellow religion holders and their own aspirations???

There is no other word for them but Murderers, Terrosists and Arsonists.

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Kill Pope, says Lashkar fatwa