How many times have we had these rabble rousing maulanas giving out fatwas against all and sundry topics..... If this maulana knew even an ounce of islamic history, he would not have uttered a single word. Does he not know what hardship prophet (PBUH) had to suffer, does he not know all the foul words and pain that people gave him when he professed islam, and does he not know what his reactions were?????? He forgave all of them. In fact there was a woman who used to regularly throw filth and garbage from the house whenever the prophet(PBUH) used to pass by her house for namaaz. One day when he noticed nobody threw any garbage at him, he walked into the house to enquire if she was well and had not taken ill. I would kindly request you all, not to give any credence to these people. Stop calling them "Islamic" terrorist. These are just "terrorists" plain and simple. Just because they say that they are fighting for Islam, it doesnt mean that all they do is islamic.