In our country human right is same for all including tibetans and we are democracy and can not suppress such demonstrations.
Why are we not shouting back at china saying Pakistan is our territroy. They should keep their hands off.
Mansaroval lake is our territory and given by ladakh to tibet in 16th century. Askai chin is part of Ladakh.
There was no ownership of china in Tibet so there was no sino indian border.
India foolishly supported this country in UN and also other forum and that country is not doing an inch. These are non thankful people and their statement is not trustworthy.
RE:China is bullying India - TIBET was never chinese territory
by chinicutie on Nov 25, 2006 02:13 PM Permalink
dear dosti...
im a chinese who have been to india i love indian culture but when it comes to territory i have to say matter u like or not Tibet is a part of china which is claimed by ur govt clearly and is known for the whole world need to waste time keep gossiping on this ..its meaningless.....
and about Askai chin u know what does its name mean???? Askai chin ---Chinese rock shoal .......its name itself is clearly show who it belongs !! chin means qin dynasty of china and Askai chin has never been to part of india in history
and for Zang nan (the Chinese name of Arunachal) of course it belongs to China ...u and i know both of the 2 countries will not make any compromise on this .....but be noticed ....the weaker nation gets less change then stronger nation it will be much harder for u on this issue then chinese