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India-US nuke deal
by Shyam on Nov 17, 2006 08:39 AM   Permalink

Why do we have to depend on one country to carry forward our nuclear programme - wether military or civilian.

Just look at France or China. For them the country's pride comes first. They will not comprise on that.

The US is displaying typical squatters mentality. Once they occupy a piece of land, then their next step is to prevent anybody else from occupying that space.

China is going to become our worst nightmare as a neighbour, but we can learn from them how to deal with the US.

As for the voting by the american legislators, we need not bother too much. Their vote is now dependant on the presidential elections that will come in a year's time.

Hillary has had her eye on it since she became the first lady. Why do you think she forgave her hubby for his wandering hands? Because the religiously intolerant, illiterate and ignorant rural voters will not vote for a divorced person especially if she is a woman.

If Madeleine Korbel Albright was imperious, just you watch out for HRClinton.

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