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Where is america for few Americans?
by satish bagmar on Oct 31, 2007 11:12 AM   Permalink

Osama VS Bush is something costing america tremendous.Some in america want it for their personal gains both moneytory and political.It maynot now be american strategy but of few greedy selfish in america. and when Britain,japan and australian bosses joined hands all paid political price so much unpopular bush is now.america is loosing things everywhere from Latin america to Weat Asia to east Asia.Apart from this indirect cost,actual war costs and bodybags.Pluse when america consumes 255 global oil 92 dollar a barrel shall wipeout american economy and make iran on the contrary richest.america now must negotiate and reestablish Global institutes.
Mr. prabir Purkayastha in 'People's Democracy'( oct 21, 07 )an organ of Communist Party Of India, Marxist has raised several vital Myths spread over this Nuclear deal.Japan and France have no coal and hence they go for Nuclear but we have huge coal and on the contrary,uranium shall exhaust within 35 years and we shall be dependent on america as if enron and Tarapur is not enough. And America is not signatory to Kyuto pact and we are forced to reduce our emission by 2.5% with such extra 220000 crores dollars when percapita emission of India is 105 of America.why bush is playing with india when it shall as Com Yechuri writes make China's arsenal more powerful and Pakistan's one more accurate than India signing it? Mr. Yechuri rightly asks who is helping China then proposer of this deal or Opoosers of this deal?

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