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CPI(M) are the Chinese Agents in India
by Gope Lalwani on Nov 16, 2006 12:31 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

The CPI(M) and other left parties have not said a word when China actually claims a part of India.

Speak up Jyoti Basu, Prakash Karat, Brinda Karat, Sitaram Yechuri and the rest of you, left traitors.

However Dr. Manmohan Singh and other Indian National Congress leaders does not want to annoy their CPI(M) friends, who are the PILLARS of their illegitimate UPA Government

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  RE:CPI(M) are the Chinese Agents in India
by Suresh Verma on Nov 18, 2006 06:22 PM   Permalink
In India most of the people are not aware of enemy within.Communist always blame BJP for Nuclear self relience and using strong word for all those who are Indias enemy where as CPM always kept silent for China and its nefrecious act.When they claimed Aruncachal they are silent,but when Saddam was prosecuted they got together and organised huge rally in Kolkotta,When China suppress tibbet and does not recognise one of the most peaceful agitation,however they come out agaist US in Afganistan.They never gave statment against Maoist in Nepal & other part of India.
Still China is in possesion of Indian territory.They are doing every thing to ruin Indian industry & Market by claiming it anti poor.What about china`s cheap products freely availble and killing out own industry??
In Education SFI to do`nt have any agenda for Indiacentric development they are never practicle.They have millions in there pocket but others are just now where to go in Bengal & Kerala.

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