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Qota: Who ges benefitted
by ravi on May 30, 2006 03:46 AM   Permalink

"Divide and Rule India" is something that has been practised by everyone who has had the power to do so and it only serves good these people. It would have really felt good if these reservations had impacted in a desired way. But it only serves political objective of some and problems for the masses whether General or reserved. I am writing this while I am in UK for a visit and these news bother me a lot and makes it a distant possibility that we achieve the sophistication and respect of the developed countries. This takes it farther is time when we people understand the broader picture and work out for bigger things than "you got it so should I". Let us produce more rather than snathing each others. And politicians, please can you really for once, WORK for our betterment rather than pushing the society into this kind of discussion.

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Quota: Other side of the story