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Can Pakistan be trusted?
by Dr. G.S.Shankar on May 26, 2006 01:36 PM   Permalink

It has been said correctly, trust is to be earned and not bestowed. I do not recall one incident when Pakistan acted in a way it can be trusted. I do not mean this only in the context of Indo-Pak relations. Its clandestine operations of theft of nuclear parts from the west for the so called Islamic bomb. Its duplicity regarding its handling of Taliban and Al Quaida with Afghanistan and the USA is a serious question. Sometimes I wonder if there are two governments in Pakistan, one legitimate govt. of Musharraff and parallel government of ISI. No body really knows the level of power of each and complicity of eachother and the projection of Pakistan with the rest of the world is more for foreign consumption. Musharraff talks big with the western media about terrorism and how to control and then Indian Engineer was ordered to be killed. Indians should stop acting as reborn Prithviraj Chouhans and see the truith and should tell Americans if they cannot trust that country themselves, it would be unfair to put pressure on India to trust a rogue state with the tentacles of global terrorism.
I hope we learned something after the surrender of war gains at Simla. Caution is our Mantra.

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Can Pakistan be trusted?