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No purpose Test firing
by Clement on Mar 21, 2006 12:12 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Babar missile is only a North Korean version of Nodong or the Teapadong.The missile is anything but indegenous.Pakistan's achievements through borrowed,stolen or smuggled technology is very well known.The test firing is only for the consumption of the general public,who otherwise are jittery over the rise of India as a regional superpower,a fact which has been acknowledged by the US over and over again.The latest Nuclear deal with the US is much to the distaste of the Pakistan leadership and the public,Hence the paraphernalia of the test firing.

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  RE:No purpose Test firing
by on Jan 07, 2008 04:26 PM   Permalink
this is not begging, thisa iz called exchange of technology, u nerd! u indianz have a very bad habit of crying! u cry every where, in ur filmz, dramas and every where we see u, ok lets get back,
so china and n korea neeeded missiles whereas pakiz needed an atomic bomb, these both countries transfered their technolgies, thats y usa applied so much pressure on north korea last yeas, their missile was a paki nuke, indiaz only lick russiaz, isreal, u.s, and sometimes sri lankanz ass, paki produce their own creation(85%).

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Pak tests Babar cruise missile