As expected , it is officially made clear by Pak to satisfaction of Indian peaceniks that we can't get away with any sort of status quo and terrorism will be relentless - after killing all in J&K it could be Hyderabad or Junagadh or even a Lucknow next , even if we can avert the nation wide potential civil wars. I have feeling that lasting solution will mean nothing else but blowing out Pakistan cleanly from world map. Even a more humanitarian approach like bringing Pakistanis under Indian flag will be too costly a mistake. Who can take charge - If Congress under M. Singh ( a true sikh)and BJP agree to do it nothing will stop us other than a Begum Sonia.
Do we really need allies- USA , Israel and few like minded countries might come forward if we show clean capability, but UK & our own leftists will live to criticise it always. Yes ,world has a place for barking dogs too.