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Tackling Terrorism
by Bala Venkat on Aug 04, 2006 10:44 PM   Permalink

I am a Law Graduate from India living in the United States.
1.The root cause of terrorism in India is the Kashmir Issue. Kashmir is a drain on the resources of both India and Pakistan and both the countries are enriching the western arms manufacturers.
2.Kashmir is a constant source of our disputes and we neither want to treat it as an integral part of India just as another of our states, nor want to give it up.
3.The special status is spoiling the free mix of 'indians' in the region leading to congregation of one group which was risen from 60% in 1947 to 90% today.
4. Our 500 and odd parliamentarians do not accept Kashmir as our state and they do not want to remove the special status and they expect the world to accept that Kashmir is ours.
5. We prevailed over the people of Punjab and forced our will on Punjabis; God knows why we do not want to do this on Kashmiris. If we do not have the will to do this, let us give up Kashmirg.
6. Permit people from other parts of India to move to Kashmir. The inter mix of people alone can solve the issue. This itself will take about one generation and that will be about 50 years! Let us make a beginning!!

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We are defensive against terror'