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Why is the PM coming?
by Aniruddha on Jul 14, 2006 01:38 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Why are all these politicians rushing to Mumbai like bees towards honey? Someone please tell them to stop taking political milage out of this situation. For once stop thinking about votes and think about the country. Sonia, Lallu, Shivraj Patil and now Manmohan they are causing a lot of hardships to the already stressed public and security forces because of their so called VVIP status and the unnecessary protection that goes with it. In fact our politicians do not need this type of protection because the terriorist will never do the good work of cleaning india of the corrupt politicians so these stupid politicians can be rest assured that their life will never be in danger. Its us the common people who will always suffer. What India needs now is the great Lal Bahadur Sashtri or Netaji Subash Chandra Bose or Sardar vallabbhai Patel or Lokmanya Tilak or Bhagat Singh Rajguru or Sukhdev rather than the spineless jokers sitting in power. So Mr. PM please go back and sit in Delhi and try travelling like the common man if u want to pay any visits. otherwise just sit inside your tightly guarded house like a coward that u all politicians are

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  RE:Why is the PM coming?
by ashish on Jul 14, 2006 04:46 PM   Permalink
These pathetically disgusted politicians does not need any sort of security.Rediff please do not post such useless news . Let terrorist blow them out . Manmohan , Lalu,shivraj these are spineless politicians.We should not spend our hard earned money behind their security. I will be very pleased to see terrorist blowing them out instead of thses innocent civilians on Mumbai's local train.

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High security in Mumbai for PM