According to this article,10% of Indian Muslims are terrorists or sympathisers.If that was the case India would cease to exist as it is now.The people committing these terrorist acts come form Muslim/Hindu or any other lineage.It is not just one specific community.The inspiration behind all this is no religious book or philosophy but easy money which is to be made by some misguided youth.Indian Muslims are as Indian as anyone else,even though it is true that a miniscule percentage might sypmathize with the Pakistan cricket team but even they dont sympathise with these acts whether they are carried out by any gruop.Please do not let our tempers get the better of us.Let us all try to think straight and let us all do the best we can to help those who have been injured and those who have lost their loved ones. Let us be INDIAN at a time like this.Because if you truly are a patriot,you will all go out and help those in need instead of accusing each other and spreading hatred. Please lets all volunteer for any help that we can give to the victims, government or police at a time like this.Volunteer your services and make urself useful.Thank you all and Jai Hind