For arguments sake.... whenever a islamic terrorist attacks all muslims are expected to stand against it and maybe even help the administration in finding out the culprits? Answer to that is that thankfully they do, but it never gets shown on the media coverage. Numerous maulanas who are sane have given fatwas against these terrorist activities. but it will never get any prime time coverage.
Now if i wanted to argue i would say, how many of my hindu brothers came up and handed over the people who were responsible for riots and killings of innocents. Leave that alone how many people in this blog have come up and atleast condemened it?
We are not justifying anything, the holy Koran calls it haram to harm any "innocents" (people who are not at war, or are not responsible for atrocities) at numerous places. So these people cant be called as islamists or muslims at all.
So it becomes the collective responsibility of ours to weed out these demons, by the same coin it becomes our responsibility to weed out the people who are feeding the hatred of these people. Politicians world over are punishing innocent muslim men, women and children who have nothing to do with terror. Please rememb