I see no reason for an emminent and honest person of the stature of Dr. Venugopal to get hurt.Dr. Venugopal has remained and honest and upright person through out his career. Honest people of this democratic country should know that they can be sacked anytime irrespective of their service to the humanity. Politicians and berucratics of this great democracy expect their share of the booty, he who is not in a position to satisfy their hunger are destined to see themselves kicked out or alternatively got involved in one case or the other on any pretext no matter how shameful and filmsy it may be. Ramdoss is no exeption ,he has only followed the foot steps of his seniors,who have been slaughtering the honesty without any shame or fear as they know that the people of this country are brain dead and sensedead who do not remember the missdoings and such acts of the dirty and corrupt politicians at the time of elections. In fact the harder they are hit, the more docile they prove themselves to be.As long as the people of India do not come to the real senses,such people are going to call the shots.JAGO INDANS JAGO FOR THE SAKE OF UR COUNTRY others wise your very existence will be in danger