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Srinivasan's paranoia
by Toney on Jan 07, 2006 10:01 PM   Permalink

Once again, the sad plight of the Hindus (and the Baloch Muslims) in Balochistan is used by Srinivasan to further his anger towards the English media in India. According to him, everyone in India is against the Hindus. This is strange, considering that more than 80% of Indians are Hindus (by religion) and a lot more Indians are Hindus by culture. (I know a few Indians dont like to consider themselves Hindus and view Hindu practices as something pagan and primitive, I am not one of them).
He has conveniently chosen to ignore the ruling party's statements against the genocide. The statements were out of character, simply because we dont have a history of issuing such provoking statements in what may be the internal affairs of another country. Yet, we had the backbone to do this. I am sure, if the BJP govt had issued something similar, Rajeev Srinivasan would have spent lots more time praising them.
Killing innocent people, whether they are Hindus, Muslims or athiests is deplorable. Srinivasan's agenda to give it a twist based on religious lines is not necessary.

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Ignore genocide, we're secular