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Great Article!
by proudtobeahindu on Jan 07, 2006 02:59 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Dear Rajeev,

I am proud of you. What an eye opener. A wonderful article. But who cares? These days, in order to win an election in Bangladesh, you must prove that you are a fundamentalist muslim. And here in India, duffers like Mani Shankar Aiyer like to call themselves secular fundamentalists. These secularists of the Congress party will even lick the toilets of the Nehru/Gandhi family to get a portfolio.

Glory be to Sanatana Dharma/Hinduism which has produced the maximun number of saints as compared to any other religion. I am proud to be a Hindu. Hinduism will never die/ It cannot ever die. God has been incarnating in this Holy Land of India since time immemorial. Adi Shankara, Sri Ramanuja, Sri Madhva, Sri Nimbarka, Sri Vallabha, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu are some of the best known examples. The saints of Maharashtra, the Alvars, the Nayanmars, the Hari Dasas. Where in any other religion can you find such mystics?

Saints in Sanatana Dharma are born saints, unlike Christianity where unrealised souls are conferred the title of saints. No wonder why people from around the world keep flocking to Tiruvannamalai in Tamil Nadu in search of solace to Sri Ramana Maharishi Ashram

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  RE:Great Article!
by J.N.Mahanty on Jan 10, 2006 08:12 PM   Permalink
Although TOI did publish the News , it failed to highlight the Killing of Hindus. Indeed, the caption of the News Item should have been Hindus Killed in Pakistan, and the News shd have been flashed right on the first page.
It is frequently seen in the English media, that they highlight any News concerning death/killing of Muslims and the same prominence is not given in case of death of Hindus.
I think those who love their Hindu brothers, please boycot these English Newspapers.

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Ignore genocide, we're secular