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Poorly researched article
by Ravi Kuchimanchi on Jan 07, 2006 02:59 PM   Permalink

This article is poorly researched and presents arguements that are not based on facts. I spent some time searching Times of India to see if in fact the Hindu deaths were not reported as claimed.

I found that the ToI carried an article in brief on March 22 itself and a longer article on March 23rd 2005.


March 22, 2005 Times of India

Rockets hit Pak temple

Quetta: Seventeen Hindus were killed when their temple was hit by rockets during fighting between renegade tribesmen and security force in a restive tribal town in southwestern Pakistan last week, a government official said on Monday. The fighting in the town of Dera Bugti erupted on Thursday after the tribesmen attacked a convoy of pickup trucks carrying paramilitary troops along a mountain road.

March 23, 2005 Times of India:

Major crisis may be brewing in Pakistan province, says army

Sui: Even as a parliamentary delegation headed to a remote town in Pakistans southwest province of Baluchistan on Tuesday in an attempt to end a siege by hundreds of armed tribesmen, a local official said around 5,000 tribesmen have taken up positions ... (read ToI for full article!)

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