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Ostrich, are you?
by krishnan on Jan 07, 2006 12:56 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

It is nice to see someone taking up cudgels on behalf of the Hindu.; but Rajeev are you aware of the fact that the reason why this happens is because we are divided more on the caste & linguistic basis?
A muslim from North may marry one from south or east & so on for other religions. Can you imagine a typical Tamil Brahmin family accepting some other Brahmin as their son/daughter in law, leave alone other castes?
dont equate indians with hinduism; if you are then you you live in a fool's paradise.

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  RE:Ostrich, are you?
by Salil Kader on Jul 18, 2006 06:58 PM   Permalink
Precisely my point. We should just not bother about what happens in Denmark. And what do you mean by 'you guys' ?? Its people like you who club the whole Muslim community together.. and if someone raises a different voice, you are right here to question it also. God knows what ppl like u want?

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