A very good article. Such articles are needed once in a while to wake up the Hindus who are in deep slumber and wake up to the situation which could be become precarious. Hindus themselves are to blame for the situation as their house is divided - first divided by British and now by so called pseudo-secularists Either they want to prove that they have large heart or that they are indifferent. Actually, many among Hindus themselves do not have faith in Hinduism which is a great pity. Hindus should unite and ensure that their identity is maintained. Already the views are being expressed that India is not the place of Hindus as each Congress Govt.since independence has been ignoring the feelings of Hindus and enacting laws opposed to Hindu culture. Day may not be far off when a Hindu will not know what is Hinduism and may believe what the politicians (particularly Congress and Commies) tell him.This is a wake up call for every Hindu who wants to preserve his identity and pride and ensure that he has a place of pride in India. Otherwise, Hindus will disappear into oblivion. A systematic plot is being worked out towards this end.