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Calumny as usual !
by Salil Kader on Jan 07, 2006 12:55 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Dont know when RS will realise that Pakistan is not India and vice versa. Do we need to compare ourselves with everything that goes on in Pakistan. If he thinks India should take up the cause of Hindus killed in Pakistan, then by the same count he would appreciate Pakistan's questioning of violence against Muslims in any part of India. Let this be clear, any Pakistani citizen (Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist or Sikh) killed in Pakistan is PAKISTAN'S problem and not ours. And vice versa. Lets end this politics of interference in each others matters and concentrate on settling our internal issues first.

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  RE: Head I win and Tail you lose!
by Secular on Feb 24, 2006 01:31 AM   Permalink
This is abt Kader's one sided statement.

With your token, Muslims in India must not talk abt a Cartoon in Danish newspaper.

Well, this is some thing happened in Denmark, and it is Denmark's problem.

Then why the hell you guys are taking to the streets of India and affecting normal life of the Society?

As it looks, you guys want the fruits of Secular India and at the same time have the fruits of an Islamic State.

This is totally unacceptable.

As Indians, you are not supposed to react for events happening in some other countries.

First practise and then preach!

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Ignore genocide, we're secular