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Daya Nayak`s arrest stayed by High Court
by d.z.thorat on Feb 02, 2006 11:35 PM   Permalink

A real damage is being done to this country by our judiciary through such stays, acquittals,unnecessary and quite senseless procedures and delays, "reserving" court judgements,ignoring the naked truths staring the judiciary in their eyes,grandiose and extraneous logic being propounded while giving incorrect judgements etc. etc. Firstly, the facts and circumstances of Nayak case are clear - he has amassed a huge wealth,but his real crime is most certainly much heinous. Why should anyone pay Daya if not for saving his life(not shooting him down in an encouter) or for making Daya shoot some innocent person in a faked encounter? How can a dish washer-turned-psi have crores amassed in less than 10 years? It is high time this country thoroughly look at our judiciary. Actually, the Mumbai police commissioner should immediately launch a thorough investigation into all Daya`s killings, and especially those he was supposed to shoot, but did not. That is the main crime.

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Daya Nayak's arrest stayed