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Mubai New Orleans : another point of similarity
by Anamika K on Oct 26, 2005 08:42 PM   Permalink

Rediff seems to be covering the havoc caused by rain in Bangalore pretty well. Reason : it's the Silicon Valley. Northern districts of Karnataka, which are backward and neglected were devastated in Jul/Aug , same time as Mumbai and almost as bad as Mumbai and the rest of Maharashtra. The area was almost totally ignored by rediff. Is that fair and balanced coverage?
You want another point of comparison between Mumbai and New Orleans? North Karnataka was as badly neglected by Karnataka govt as was New Orleans, unlike Mumbai. The difference was, even the national media of India had hardly any coverage of North Karnataka. I had to go to the local dailies' sites, Kannada ones specially, to get the news on the situation.
But nothing can top what the C.M of Karnataka mr. Dharam Singh did. Within 3 weeks of the floods, he celebrated his son's wedding in Gulbarga, right in the flood affected area, with 70,000 guests! Speak of bad taste.

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