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Kashmir Leadership transition
by Harsh Kothari on Oct 24, 2005 04:24 AM   Permalink

Kashmir is an integral part of INDIA with its own autonomy, as it has a different consititution from the country's. Originally the term of Mufti is to last 6 years long, however, it is a routine for INDIAN politicians to keep hampering with Kashmiri politics that disturbs the stability of the state and its integrity with INDIA. Another important thing to note is that its supposed to be the Presdent of INDIA who decides the leader of Kashmir and not other politicians, then why is whole issue arising? The only area that we could possibly point our finger to is corruption. Since 1947, the INDIAN officials have been mistreating local Kashmiris. Although the Kashmiriyat is being re-established after Vajpayee's ultimatum, the core relationship between Kashmiris and INDIANS are bitter, even though Kashmiris are INDIANS, no one accepts them as INDIANS, not even themselves. Attention must be paid to the crisis! Atention must be paid! Attention! JAY HIND!!!!! VANDE MATARAM!!!!

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Mufti may get brief extension