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Change of Guard in J & K
by Satyanarayan B. Saraf on Oct 24, 2005 10:36 AM   Permalink

It would be in the interest of PDP to submit resignation of the present Govt., upon expiry of the agreed term of power sharing i.e. three years. In case Congress is not interested to install its own nominee then it should inform Governor that PDP leader should be sworn-in for next three years. Then only PDP should form Govt., or else let the fresh poll take place and in the meantime caretaker Govt., should continue. Why I say that if PDP shows greedyness to continue as leader of the Govt., then Congress will unnecessary pressurise it for undue favours, as is its nature. Therefore, it is in the interest of PDP to inform congres and submit its resignation to Governor after expiry of agreed period of power sharing.

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