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regarding bangalores downfall
by Bhushan Tulshan on Oct 21, 2005 03:33 PM   Permalink

I am engg graduate and presently doing a job in andhra pradesh. I want to say is that the politicians(specially present ones) whether in andhra pradesh or karnataka they are doing anything to come in to news and talking like an iddiate fellows with the kings of IT world.
The previous govt were far better than the present ones as there focuswas on development of the state reather than the party.
they are those who had shown the dreams of such things and to far extent had satisfied evryone other than there rival parties.
It sounds and not like before a storm ,everything will be silent but we can hear about the fear in the air.
All we can do is to hope for the best to happen and things may come back on the right track.

with regards,

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The decline of Bangalore