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The decline of Bangalore
by Srikanth k on Oct 26, 2005 11:57 PM   Permalink

The problem problem of decline of Bangalore is huge and complex and needs to be discussed,debated and rational/practical alternatives approaches/strategies developed for leading to master plan including short/medium /long term action plans.It would be worthwhile to associate reputed professionals, consultants and managers ,both Indian and international,to formulate them.
Meanwhile,the Govt and city corporation should create a unified infrastucture organisation to create new infrastructure and efficiently run & improve services and prioritisise and tackle problems faced by Bangaloreans.These include -bad roads& foot paths, and their frequent digging by various depts & companies, chaotic road trafic ,pedestrian safety,noisy & polluting vehicles,bicycles & animal drawn vehicles , animals on the road,garbage & litter,people urinating on roadside,etc-the list is quite long!

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The decline of Bangalore